View Profile KerfuffleMach2
This is my application for NG chat membership.

Age 36, Male



Madison Heights, MI

Joined on 12/14/06

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KerfuffleMach2's News

Posted by KerfuffleMach2 - September 7th, 2008

Well, thanks to the guy at work again, I now possess two more programs that are essential to the Flash maker.

That's right people, I now have Photoshop and Illustrator.


Also, the Hank T-shirt is very comfortable. You should buy one.

Posted by KerfuffleMach2 - June 8th, 2008

I love having connections.

A guy at my work does web site development, and he uses Flash. After some begging and a club sandwich from a local restaurant, I now have Flash again.

Sure, it's not Flash CS3, but that's ok. It's Macromedia Flash 8.

Good enough, right?

So, my projects are back on.


Posted by KerfuffleMach2 - April 23rd, 2008

Well peoples, this fall is going to be very busy for me.

I am going back to school.

I am going to a local trade school, and I'm taking game design classes.

And for the first year, the course mainly uses Flash.

So, I will use that to my advantage and make stuff for Newgrounds. Some talking with the teacher might yield a copy of Flash for my own.

Also, about the series.

I am going to make it.

I have been talking with a friend of mine, and we are putting our heads together and making something both bigger and better than what I had originally come up with.

Posted by KerfuffleMach2 - April 11th, 2008

I hate life.

Well, I had the thirty day trial version of Flash, which I thought I could download repeatedly.


Then I thought I could use the money from my tax returns to buy Flash. So, I talked to my mom about that.


So, as of right now, I have no Flash.

But I'm not giving up.

I'm looking for another job and working on getting back in school. Once I get those, I can buy Flash.

So, I might not be able to submit anything this year, but I should be able to submit something by next year.

Posted by KerfuffleMach2 - April 10th, 2008

Well, as promised, here is the second character sketch. Not much detail to put into this character.

As always, I'm open to suggestions.

Character Sketch 2

Posted by KerfuffleMach2 - April 9th, 2008

Well, here is a quick sketch I made of one of the three main characters. His name is Emag. Let me know what you think about the sketch.

Character Sketch 1

Posted by KerfuffleMach2 - March 26th, 2008

Well people, whilst working on my current animation, my creative juices have been flowing, and an idea for a series has popped into my head. And by idea, I mean half the plot, most of the characters, and a whole world for this to exist in. Funnily enough, most of these ideas come to me while I'm at work.

Anywho, I'm kinda half working on the first episode now. I'm mostly just doing some storyboarding and character sketches. I think I'll get some of the sketches posted up here.

I may be looking for voice actors for this series. I'll let you guys know when I need some.

Posted by KerfuffleMach2 - March 21st, 2008

Call it impatience, call it whatever, but I couldn't wait to give some hint as to what my animation is.

It will be...

...an animation for a Christmas song.

Yep. A Christmas animation. I am making decent progress on it, so I think it will be done by October. And by done, I don't mean the usual half-ass first animation done. I mean somewhat decent.

Posted by KerfuffleMach2 - March 8th, 2008

Well, you won't be seeing any flash from me anytime soon. That's because of what happened today. I was coming home from work, listing to a CD, and when a certain song came on, I suddenly thought about making an animation for it. Due to the nature of the song, it just isn't right to release the animation anytime soon.

So, when it does come out (which will be later this year), it will be my first animation. I am also using this time period to my advantage, so that the animation should be pretty good for a first animation.

I'll reveal more details about it when the time approaches.

Posted by KerfuffleMach2 - March 6th, 2008

Well, peoples. I am back after a long hiatus. I have Flash on my computer, but the ethernet connection on it is bad. So, once I get that fixed, you might justs start seeing submissions by me. Let me tell you, my first few are going to be crappy. So, go easy on me.

Also, I am posting this from my mom's computer. She won't let me put Flash on it, but I can go online with it.